After long tiring weekdays, who doesn’t like watching movies on weekends? And if your love for movies is at its peak, and you wouldn’t mind watching movies even on your phone, then here is the list of top 5 free movie apps for your android phone that will keep you entertained and updated.
- IMDb Movies & TV (free)
If you are a movie freak and want to stay updated with all the latest happenings in the movie industry then downloading IMDb Movie & TV is a must. It works on website too but the app will offer you a more convenient way to keep yourself updated on the latest happenings in the film world. With this great app, you can also look up the showtimes at your local cinema. It also uncovers the inside stories of your favorite movie stars, and is surely going to provide you with the latest and hottest movie related gossips. Moreover, trailers of the latest movies are just a couple of clicks away. you can also buy movies through Amazon and enjoy your favorite movies in high quality. By featuring so many options, it’s a perfect app for your phone
- GetGlue (free)
GetGlue another great movie app for your smartphone. This app literally gets you glued to it with all that it has to offer. Checking-in is one of the most interesting feature it offers. You can check –in your favorite movie and share on social media platforms particularly Twitter and Facebook. to top it all off, you can get free car or laptop stickers in exchange of checking-in. Other than that, you can also update about the latest TV shows and the games you love playing.
- RockPlayer Lite (free)
RockPlayer is actually one of the best movie apps you can download. It provides an amazing and enjoyable movie experience and that too just by following a few easy steps. Want to desperately watch a movie on your smartphone? All you need to do is copy the movie to your SD card and play it using RockPlayer. Watching movies was never this easy, thanks to RockPalyer which comes free, is highly user friendly and offers quick functioning.
- Movie Tube X
We often can’t decide about the movie we want to watch. Movie Tube X is all you need to counter this problem. It’s one of the best apps to help you decide which movies are going to provide the best value for your time. With so many movies assembled neatly under one roof, you can get your hands on your most desirable movies from all around the world.
The app features a very user friendly interface and functions very efficiently.
- Viewster
Get your hands on tonnes of movies with this free app. The interface is quite neat and it offers good movie options keeping you entertained free of cost. However, there have been some complaints of few movies not running on the app but these bugs can easily be fixed. If watching B-grad movies is your thing, then this app surely is for you.