There are many perks of student life, and one of the biggest ones is student discount. You can make great savings by using your student discount on anything from clothes, food, tech and more! Using your student discount card, whether in-store or online, allows you to make great savings on student essentials which are required during your time at school, college or uni.
Where to start? It can be overwhelming making the transition from school to college, or college to university, especially after the summer holidays, so you may not know where to start to make the most savings. The main student discount sources in the UK are Student Beans, UniDAYS and NUS Extra. You can make huge savings from these providers, whether that’s saving money on a late-night takeaway or a top-of-the-range laptop.
Student discount on laptops is hugely popular as it’s a great way to save huge amounts of money, and make student life more enjoyable. Laptops need to be good quality and reliable, as well as being affordable so they can last through your time at school/college/university. Here are a few great deals we have found which can help you save money with student discount on laptops in the UK:
- With UniDAYS you can get 10% off Apple products! Student discount on Apple laptops is great news as they are known to have top of the range devices. MacBook Pro and MacBook Air are both hugely popular devices with university students, as Apple are known to create high-quality powerful devices which will last you a long time. It is also a plus point that you can easily take the device to an Apple store in case any issues do pop up, and know that it will be resolved without hassle. Also, avoiding internet viruses is crucial as you will have important work saved on your device and Apple laptops are great for this as viruses are extremely rare on OS X. Purchasing an Apple laptop, along with the 10% student discount, means you will save on security software in the long run.
- With Student Beans you can get 20% off your Lenovo order! There is also the bonus of free shipping on all orders over £50, which means you can make great savings on one of Lenovo’s high quality devices. Student discount on Lenovo laptops means top laptops such as the Lenovo IdeaPad and Lenovo YOGA 3 can be purchased at a much cheaper price. If you’re looking for a laptop to get work done, the IdeaPad 500 is the best choice. The Intel Core i7 (6th Gen) processor is the most powerful out of the Intel family, so you can multitask away, run apps simultaneously and also run power-consuming software with ease, all without worrying about draining battery life. Lenovo cater to a range of different laptop users, and have brilliant student laptops, whether you need a laptop that can double-up as a powerful gaming device, multimedia-friendly device or even a tablet to carry around in your bag.
We hope this guide about student discount on laptops in the UK was helpful to you, and that you manage to make huge savings whilst studying. Using the discount sources we listed will ensure you make savings on almost everything you need whilst at school, college or university.